confesses to a guilty pleasure
When I tell people that I have recently discovered and have become hopelessly addicted to Lee Child’s Jack Reacher novels, they cringe a little. What? Well, yes. I am hooked along with so many others. These books sell around 6 million copies a year.
![Make Me: (Jack Reacher 20) by [Child, Lee]](
‘Lee Child’ is a fiction like his books. He was born Jim Grant in Coventry, lost his British TV job aged 40 and wrote his first book, Killing Floor, to immediate acclaim. He says he chose his pseudonym so that his books would appear on bookshop and library shelves before and near to Christie. Lee/Jim now lives in New York. Most readers would have no suspicion that he is not American. His syntax is entirely American English: people go to the hospital, things are gotten, people talk with others and use transportation.
Reacher has magical powers of detection and
problem solving, mostly implausible. In fact all of it is implausible. In real
life Reacher’s cholesterol would be 12.5, he would be grossly fat and would be
dead by 45. In real life any one of the hundreds of fights in which Reacher
engages would end up with the hero arrested, in a wheelchair or dead. But this
is thrillerland, so of course he always comes away with at the most a few
bruises, or in one case, a broken nose.
When I tell people that I have recently discovered and have become hopelessly addicted to Lee Child’s Jack Reacher novels, they cringe a little. What? Well, yes. I am hooked along with so many others. These books sell around 6 million copies a year.
![Make Me: (Jack Reacher 20) by [Child, Lee]](
‘Lee Child’ is a fiction like his books. He was born Jim Grant in Coventry, lost his British TV job aged 40 and wrote his first book, Killing Floor, to immediate acclaim. He says he chose his pseudonym so that his books would appear on bookshop and library shelves before and near to Christie. Lee/Jim now lives in New York. Most readers would have no suspicion that he is not American. His syntax is entirely American English: people go to the hospital, things are gotten, people talk with others and use transportation.
Reacher is an ex-military cop and Lee/Jim has
immersed himself in the intricacies of US Army uniforms, vocabulary, weaponry,
language, systems and hierarchies. Yet for all his 21st century
trappings, Reacher represents a familiar figure in storytelling. He is the
knight errant of medieval tales, the lone ranger of cowboy films, the wildcard dysfunctional
detective of TV drama: the classic outcast. He is at once preposterous and believable,
a man who keeps his six foot five inch frame and impressive musculature in
perfect shape despite getting no exercise and living exclusively on cheeseburgers
and pie from greasy diners. He travels with a folding toothbrush as baggage,
replaces his clothing from one dime store with more of the same by shoving the
soiled clothing in the trash. More recently he has acquired a passport but he
still has no home, no car, no money, no family. He hitchhikes. He does not
carry a gun. He is a freelance vigilante looking for trouble and finding it. He
never uses his first name and nor does anyone else.
Despite his long lineage in storytelling, the Reacher
character is in some ways a modern figure. He has sex – and sorry, Lee/Jim but
these are your least successful scenes and indeed a little embarrassing. The
sex is with a companion figure, different in each book, a lone wolf like
himself, a woman who is happy to have and be a great lover, though like him she
avoids commitment and she is as independent, physically tough and ruthless as
he is; a full partner in everything he does.
![Night School: (Jack Reacher 21) by [Child, Lee]](
What is it that is so very very satisfying about
these books? First, they are revenge thrillers. Reacher dispenses rough
justice, executing people without a qualm because they are obvious bad guys and
the conventional system cannot deal with them. As readers we can discharge our own
occasional thirst for violent revenge harmlessly by letting Reacher do it for
us. The books are well written. There are no descriptions of lyrical landscape
yet you get a keen sense of place, often of the flat expanse and tiny towns of
all those fly-over states. The sentences are short, nouns have no overwrought
adjectives attached to them. There is a lot of crisp dialogue. The plot moves
along briskly and there is an unanticipatable twist at the end.
I believe that the real secret of their appeal is
that these stories represent the universal fantasy about escape and a life
without commitment. A life on the road, owning nothing, owing nothing, being
untraceable, meeting nice people for mutually satisfying sex, delivering
punishment for the unworthy without any fear of getting punished yourself:
what’s not to like except perhaps that such a life is only for the emotionally
I am in good company in my adoration. Worthy writers
such as Margaret Drabble, Philip Pullman, Michael Holroyd and Frederick Forsyth
have all expressed fulsome admiration for these books. Now I’m just off to the
Oxfam bookshop to see if one of those lovely reviewers, ten a penny in
Islington, has got round to donating their hardback copy of Lee/Jim’s latest
book, Night School, because I can’t
wait for the paperback to appear next month.